Artist Alley

Jack Chibi

The artist alley is a small, pop up space where artists can sell on a smaller basis, to try out tabling and also to sell for a short amount of time instead of the whole weekend! Artist Alley spaces best for for small, pop up displays, and are a lower-commitment alternative to a Dealers’ Den table.

How do I get a table?

Due to laws with trading, Under 18s cannot sell at the artist alley.

You can get a half table by showing up and seeing if one is available. If a half table is available, the volunteers will take your name and start time in case demand becomes high. If all spaces are taken, then you will be added to a waitlist with your phone number and notified if any tables are free. If this occurs, then spots will be rotated out with a maximum of 2 hours of trading time – with the person who has been there the longest being swapped out. If demand wanes during the day, artists may take up a full table space until someone shows up.
Displays should not be built up more than 1 wire cube high, or A3 poster. This is so your table is easy to pack down if demand is high.

What can I bring?

The following is permitted to sell at the Artist Alley:

  • Prints, charms, stickers, etc.
  • Table Commissions & Take Home Commissions
  • Small fursuit parts (Tails, ears, handpaws)

The following is NOT permitted, and should not be brought in:

  • NSFW art on public display, it MUST be kept under the table and shown to only to Adult customers
  • Full Fursuits & Fursuit heads
  • Wholesale items – you MUST have had some part in the creation of what you are bringing, you must have either made it yourself, or got it made with your art on it

MFC reserves the right to make calls on what you have brought and ask you to remove/adjust your display/items. Ignoring MFC staff’s requests can cause rejection from the Artist Alley.

Rules for Selling

All artists must make sure transactions are done between adults. An Artist Alley volunteer will relay these rules to you before you set up your table.

All NSFW work art MUST be under the table, and only shown in a folder to Adults. Breaching this will involve your immediate removal from the Artist Alley.

If you have any further questions, pelase don’t hesitate to