Conduct & Safety Guidelines

Health and safety

  1. Attendees to MFC must have received at least two (2) doses of COVID-19 vaccine.
    1. Staff members may ask for this upon collection of registration, and proof must be submitted via presentation of digital or physical immunisation history, or relevant COVID-safe app.
  2. MFC is a private event and reserves the right to enforce this rule by not admitting any persons who do not meet this requirement.
  1. It is strongly recommended that attendees wear masks at all times whilst in the con space.
  2. Attendees must wear masks in the den at all times. No exceptions to this rule will be permitted.
    1. Any attendee not wearing a mask in the den will be immediately removed and will not be permitted to return to the den.
  3. Masks must, at a minimum, fit properly and snugly to fully cover the nose and mouth, and secure snugly under the chin.
    1. Masks worn incorrectly (under the nose/chin, so that the nose and mouth are not fully covered) will not be tolerated in the den.
    2. The following will not be accepted: Face coverings (including bandanas) which do not secure around the chin, neck gaiters, costume masks/balaclavas, masks made from mesh materials, face coverings that contain holes or are significantly damaged.
  4. As much as is practicable, please ensure that you safely distance yourself from others whilst attending MFC.
  5. Please ensure that you sanitise your hands (hand sanitiser will be made available throughout the con space) when practicable, particularly after touching high-traffic items such as elevator buttons or door handles.
  6. It is the responsibility of attendees to take reasonable care of their health/wellbeing whilst attending MFC.
    1. If at any point you are feeling unwell, please notify a staff member who will source first aid or other care/support as required.
  1. It is an expectation that attendees will maintain a reasonable level of courtesy when in the con space.
  2. Inappropriate or malicious use of profanity, profane gestures, or mannerisms will not be tolerated. This behaviour will result in a warning from MFC staff and repeated infractions may result in the removal of an attendee from the convention.
  3. Verbal or physical altercations between dealers, assistants, attendees, volunteers, or staff are unacceptable and will result in immediate expulsion of the offending parties from the convention without refund.
    1. If, as an attendee, you feel uncomfortable at any time with another attendee or any other persons, please notify an MFC staff member immediately to resolve the situation. If the situation cannot be resolved by an MFC staff member, MFC reserves the right to contact appropriate authorities, including police services, to resolve the situation.

Dress Code

  1. Must cover with opaque fabric all areas which, if not covered, would result in an Obscene Exposure offence; 
  2. Must adhere to contemporary societal standards, noting that the Event is all-ages and Attendees will be in the presence of minors;
  3. May not display any obscene or explicit language, including sexually explicit terms. 
  1. They must be worn with (either on top of or underneath) clothing or a fursuit;
  2. They may not display any obscene or explicit language, including sexually suggestive terms. 

Pup hoods, leashes, and handcuffs specifically for fetish or sexual gratification purposes.

  1. MFC and its Staff retain the right to request attendees not wear an item of clothing, accessory or outfit if they believe it to be in contradiction with these rules. 
  2. MFC Staff may also request an item of clothing, accessory or outfit be removed if complaints have been received by other attendees, Venue staff or other Personnel. 
  3. Failure to remove an item of clothing, accessory or outfit may result in removal from the Event. 


  1. The following terms and conditions apply to the supply of any Tickets and constitutes the entire agreement between you and MFC in relation to your purchase of any Tickets, attendance at the Event and entry to the Venue (Terms and Conditions)
  2. By receiving the Ticket, attending the Event or entering the Venue you are deemed to have read, understood and accepted these terms and conditions.
  3. A Ticket provides you with a conditional license for admission to the Event and Venue, subject to these Terms and Conditions.
  1. You acknowledge that your right to attend the Event and the Venue is at the discretion of MFC, and you accept that any Personnel may, for any reason:
    1. Deny or refuse you entry to all or any part of of the Venue or the Event;
    2. Remove you from the Venue or any part of the Venue at any time;
    3. Confiscate or cancel your Ticket at any time.
  2. Any person under 18 years (Minor) attending the Event must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (Guardian) whilst at the Venue.
  3. A minor must not attempt to purchase a Ticket for this Event without the prior consent of their Guardian.
  4. Any Minor attending the Event without a Guardian, may be refused entry to all or part of the Event at any time.
  5. Any Guardian accompanying a Minor at the Event accepts and approves these Terms and Conditions on behalf of the Minor and agrees to assume all liabilities, loss and costs of the Minor that arise as a result of these Terms and Conditions, the Minor’s attendence at the Event and entry to the Venue.
  6. The Minor and the Guardian acknowledge and agree that the Minor must not at any time attempt to obtain or otherwise consume alcohol and the Guardian must not supply or attempt to supply alcohol to the Minor at the Event or at the Venue.
  7. You must comply with:
    1. Any additional terms and conditions imposed by the Venue Operator in relation to your access to the Venue, and
    2. Any additional terms and conditions supplied by the MFC appointed ticketing supplier.

You acknowledge that before, during and after the Event and at any time while you are at the Venue, you must not:

  1. Interfere, disrupt or otherwise act in a manner that may disrupt or interfere with the Event;
  2. Block any thoroughfare, such as stairs, steps, aisle, passage, entry or exit at the Venue;
  3. Use offensive, indecent or obscene language or behave in a manner that is, in the opinion of MFC or Personnel, offensive, threatening, abusive or indecen;
  4. Interact with any attendees or Personnel in a way that is, in the opinion of MFC or Personnel, offensive, threatening, abusive or indecent;
  5. Smoke or vape in any designated “No Smoking” areas
  6. Misuse, deface, damage, remove, tamper with, or otherwise attempt to misuse, deface, damage, remove or tamper with any property or equipment belonging to MFC, the Venue Operator, its Personnel or any other third party, or
  7. Act in a manner that is or may be harmful or detrimental to the health and safety of any person at the Event (including the Personnel and any other guests at the Event)
  1. You must pay the full price of the Ticket at the time of booking the Ticket, in the manner determined by MFC upon ticket release.
  2. MFC will not be required to issue any Ticket to you until it has received in full and cleared funds the payment of the Ticket.

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  1. Any resale of a Ticket must occur with the prior written permission of MFC only to ensure that the rights granted to you under these Terms and Conditions remain intact.
  2. The rights granted to you under these Terms and Conditions and your Ticket will terminate immediately if, without the prior written permission of MFC, you:
    1. Offer the ticket for resale at a premium or otherwise through a third party
    2. Advertise or offer the ticket for resale on the internet or any other medium
  3. If your Ticket is sold, advertised or otherwise used in breach of these Terms and Conditions, MFC may deny the holder of the ticket admission to the Event or remove them from the Venue, without any refund to you.
  4. MFC may deny entry to the Event or remove you from the Venue if, without the prior written permission of MFC, you purchased a ticket from any person that is not an authorised ticket agency of MFC.
  1. To the maximum extent permitted by law MFC will not refund, credit or replace any complimentary Tickets.
  2. To the fullest extent permitted by law, MFC does not accept any responsibility for any delay, postponement, cancellation or change to the Event or the Venue that is caused by or attributed to an Unavoidable Event.
  3. Tickets are non-refundable unless by prior written permission of MFC Personnel, or where this is required by law.
    1. Any requests for refunds must be provided in writing more than 72 hours before the Event start time – requests after the Event start time will not be accepted under any circumstance.
  1. No advertising, promotion, logos or signage will be permitted at the Venue except for in areas where prior written consent has been given.
  2. Unless authorised by MFC in writing, you must not take or make any video recordings, films, photographs, still pictures or any other images of the Event for commercial exploitation, promotion or other commercial public relations uses.
  1. You consent to the recording of your likeness and voice by means including, but not limited to audio and/or visual recordings by photographers or broadcast cameras (Images) and the use by MFC of the Images for any promotional or public relations purposes without compensation to you.
  1. You acknowledge and agree that your attendance at the Event and the Venue may carry certain dangers including the risk of injury and damages to person or property, and to the fullest extent permitted by law you:
    1. Agree to accept all risks associated with your attendance at the Venue and the Event, and
    2. Release and discharge MFC and its Personnel from any Claim which you may have now or in the future in respect of any injury, loss or damage (including personal injury, property, damage or death) suffered by you or any other person as a result of your attendance at the Event.
  2. You are fully responsible for your health and wellbeing before, during and after the Event and whilst at the Venue.
  3. You are fully responsible for any loss or damage to your personal belongings before, during and after the Event and must not leave any item of your belongings unattended at any time during the Event.
  1. MFC is not liable to you or to any other person for:
    1. Any loss or damage of any kind that is directly or indirectly caused by or results from any wrongful, wilful or negligent act or omission by you;
    2. Any indirect, incidental, special or consequential loss or damage, loss of profits or anticipated profits, economic loss, loss of business opportunity, loss of data or loss or damage resulting from wasted management time.
  2. Subject to this clause 9, the maximum aggregate liability of MFC for all proven Claims arising out of these Terms and Conditions, including liability for breach, in negligence or in tort or for any other common law or statutory action, is limited to the amount paid by you for the purchase of the Ticket.
  3. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions excludes, restricts or modifies any consumer guarantee, right or remedy conferred on you by the ACL or any other law that cannot be excluded, restricted or modified by an agreement.
  4. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the liability of MFC for a breach of a non-excludable consumer guarantee referred to in clause 10.3 is limited to a refund of the costs of the Ticket.
  1. You indemnify and must keep indemnified, MFC and its Personnel from all Claims (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) that may be brought against MFC or its Personnel or which MFC or its Personnel may pay, suffer or incur as a direct or indirect result of any one of the following:
    1. Your access and entry to the Venue;
    2. Any breach by you of these Terms and Conditions;
    3. Any failure by you to follow any reasonable directions provided to you by MFC or its Personnel; and
    4. Any wrongful, wilful or negligent act or omission by you.
  1. These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws in force in Victoria.
  2. MFC may vary or amend these Terms and Conditions at any time by providing notice to you.
  3. Any provision of these Terms and Conditions which is invalid in any jurisdiction must in relation to that jurisdiction:
    1. Be read down to the minimum extent needed to achieve its validity, if applicable, and
    2. Be severed from these Terms and Conditions in any other case. Without invalidating or affecting the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions or the validity of that provision in any other jurisdiction.
    3. These Terms and Conditions must not be construed to the disadvantage of a party because that party was responsibile for its preparation.

In this Terms and Conditions

  1. Event means the Melbourne Furry Convention event identified on the ticket
  2. MFC means Melbourne Furry Convention, the operating body responsible for the convention of the same name
  3. Personnel means MFC, the Venue Operator and each of their officers, employees, agents and subcontractors
  4. Ticket means any tickets or passes to the Event that are issued to you by MFC, which allow access to the Venue
  5. Unavoidable Event means any act, event or cause which is beyond the reasonable control of MFC (including inclement weather, safety issues or concerns, an Act of God, war, an act of terrorism, labour strikes, power shortage, government intervention or any plant or equipment breakdown)
  6. Venue means the venue at which the event is being held, specifically any areas that are not accessible to the public
  7. Venue Operator means the entity responsible for the operation of the Venue.


MFC has established the following rules and guidelines regarding the display and sale of merchandise in the dealer den to protect dealers, attendees, MFC volunteers and MFC staff. These rules are also in place to ensure that the den remains a fun and entertaining experience for all individuals involved.

  • These rules apply to all areas of the dealer den where dealers are permitted to sell items or services.
    These rules will be updated as circumstances and legal requirements change. The latest version will be available at any time by contacting the den manager at .
  • MFC reserves the right to refuse a dealer table to anyone for any reason at any time.
  • Any decision regarding the interpretation of the rules will be at the discretion of the den manager.
  1. All dealers must have suitable permits to sell products in Australia.
  2. Den security will ensure that all minors entering the SFW room will be accompanied by a parent or guardian, but dealers are responsible for ensuring that parents/guardians are present when completing sales, to ensure that all sales are conducted between adults.
  3. If at any point a minor attempts to complete a sale without an accompanying parent/guardian, dealers are not to accept this sale and are to contact the den manager to resolve the issue.
  1. Dealers must wear masks at all times whilst in the den unless eating/drinking.
  2. Masks must, at a minimum, fit properly and snugly to fully cover the nose and mouth, and secure snugly under the chin.
    1. Masks worn incorrectly (under the nose/chin, so that the nose and mouth are not fully covered) will not be tolerated in the den.
    2. The following will not be accepted: Face coverings (including bandanas) which do not secure around the chin, neck gaiters, costume masks/balaclavas, masks made from mesh materials, face coverings that contain holes or are significantly damaged.
  3. Dealers may remove their masks to eat or drink as required.
    1. This must only be done when behind the dealer’s own table, and masks must be replaced once done.
  4. As much as is practicable, please ensure that you safely distance yourself from others whilst in the den.
  5. Please ensure that you sanitise your hands (hand sanitiser will be made available throughout the den) when entering the den, or after touching your masks (e.g. removal for eating/drinking).
  6. It is the responsibility of dealers/assistants to take reasonable care of their health/wellbeing whilst in the den.
    1. If at any point you are feeling unwell, please notify the den manager who will source first aid or other care/support as required.
    2. Water bottles will be provided for all dealers/assistants, and water will be made available throughout the den for dealers/assistants to use.
  1. This section of the den is to adhere to a strict M rating. No sexualised nudity (e.g. exposed genitalia) is permitted for display.
  2. No depictions of sexual activity (whether explicit or implied) are permitted for display.
  3. Non-sexualised nudity (e.g. depictions where genitals are absent, and no sexual themes are present) is permitted for display.
  4. R18 content may be kept in a closed folder clearly marked as containing adult content, not to be displayed at the front of a table but kept within reach of the dealer at all times.
  5. 18+ attendees may request to view this folder, and dealers will be responsible for ensuring that they have sighted the attendee’s badge to confirm it is an adult badge.
  6. If any minor requests to view the folder, the dealer is to notify the den manager immediately and is not to present the folder for viewing. MFC staff will be responsible for disciplinary action in this case.
  7. Final determination as to whether an item adheres to the rules above will be at the discretion of the den manager.
  1. This section of the den is to adhere to a MA-15 rating. Sexualised nudity is permitted for display, but exposed genitalia (excluding nipples) must be censored using an opaque material (e.g. post-it note, sticker).
  2. Implied sexual activity is permitted for display, any explicit sexual activity must have exposed genitalia censored using an opaque material (e.g. post-it note, sticker).
  3. Fetish content is permitted for display provided it is adherent to the rules above.
    1. Fetish content that depicts non-consensual activity, or sexual activity between persons under the age of 18 is strictly prohibited. Display of this content will result in removal from the den.
  4. Non-sexualised nudity (e.g. depictions where genitals are absent, and no sexual themes are present) is permitted for display.
  5. R18 content may be kept in a folder, displayed at the front of the table. Den security is responsible for ensuring that only 18+ attendees are permitted in the NSFW room, so all attendees will be permitted to view this folder at any time.
  1. All items sold in the den must be the creation (via original work or manufacture of an original work) of the dealer, or approved for resale by the creator of the artwork/item.
  2. The sale and display of fraudulent, plagiarised or bootleg items are strictly prohibited, display or sale of these items will result in removal from the den.
  3. The display or sale of AI-generated artwork or other creations will be considered intellectual property theft and is strictly prohibited.
  1. It is an expectation that dealers and assistants will maintain a reasonable level of courtesy when in the den.
  2. Inappropriate or malicious use of profanity, profane gestures, or mannerisms will not be tolerated. This behaviour will result in a warning from MFC staff and repeated infractions may result in the removal of a dealer or assistant from the den.
  3. Verbal or physical altercations between dealers, assistants, attendees, volunteers, or staff are unacceptable and will result in immediate expulsion of the offending parties from the convention without refund.
    1. If, as a dealer or
      assistant, you feel uncomfortable at any time with an attendee or another dealer, please notify the den manager immediately to resolve the situation.
  4. Only persons with a dealer/assistant badge will be permitted behind a dealer table or booth unless prior approval has been given from the den manager.
  5. Dealers and assistants must wear their badges at all times whilst in the den.
    1. Only dealers and assistants wearing correct badges will be permitted in the den during bump-in/bump-out, as well as outside of normal den hours with approval from the den manager.
  1. Dealers are not permitted to resell their tables, nor to share table space with any other persons not authorised by MFC as a dealer.
    1. Arrangements may be made for table space to be shared with prior approval from the den manager.
  2. If a dealer is no longer able to attend or deal at MFC, please contact the den manager for a refund, in accordance with MFC’s refund policy.
  3. Distracting/obtrusive displays will not be permitted in order to ensure comfort and accessibility for all dealers and attendees.
    1. Distractions may include excessive/flashing lights or loud music/sound played from audio/display devices at a table.
    2. Obtrusive displays include those that protrude beyond the front of the table, or that protrude onto other dealers’ table space.
    3. The final determination of what constitutes a distracting or obtrusive display will be at the discretion of the den manager.
  4. Ensure that you keep pathways clear as much as possible, and that any large items are stored underneath the table. MFC staff may request that items that obstruct pathways and exits be moved, or removed from the den.
  5. Dealers and assistants are expected to be behind their tables when selling items or working on commissions. Sitting in areas that obstruct pathways is not permitted.
  6. Please use bags that will be provided at the start of the convention for any rubbish, dealers will be responsible for their own waste.
  7. Please report any spills or larger messes to MFC staff so that this can be dealt with as soon as possible.
  1. Refund requests – Dealers may request a refund of their table space until Saturday, December 31st, 2024.
    1. Dealers must send this request in writing to
    2. Requests for a refund made after December 31st will be considered late cancellations and will be considered on a case-by-case basis with MFC staff.
  2. No-Shows – A dealer will be considered a “no-show” if they do not arrive to claim their table four hours after the den opens on Friday, 21ST February 2025.
    1. Dealers must contact the den manager at or via Telegram directly if they are running late so that their table will be held for them.
      1. If this lateness will extend beyond an entire day of the convention, the table will be dealt with at the discretion of the den manager and MFC’s con chair.
    2. In the event of a no-show, the den manager will handle the allocation of the vacant table.
  3. In the event of a cancellation/refund by a current dealer, the den manager will select a dealer at random who had been considered for the den but not accepted due to space allocation, to offer a position in the den.
    1. This offer may be accepted or declined within seven days of it being sent, otherwise, the offer will be withdrawn and made available to the next dealer, chosen by random selection.
    2. Declining this offer will not remove a dealer from the list of those who had applied for MFC 2023 but were not accepted due to space allocation.

For queries, comments, or any further clarification of these rules and guidelines, please contact